Sunday, February 07, 2016


  1. The greatest thing about the world we live in today is that everyone has an opportunity to make a dent in the universe. The narrowing gap between technology and creativity is giving rise to a revolution that is enabling people to utilize their potential to the fullest. First, you need to stop focusing on all the things that are wrong with the world. Only then you will start to see why this is the greatest time in history. Now you have the opportunity to live the life that's at your disposal like never before.

Second factor is fear, while doing business
and dealing with external agencies or
employees in a complex situation or in life
we come across people who are not greedy
but still we want them to work according
to us. How can we do it? In this scenario,
we have to identify fear in the person. Fear
is a kind of feeling where we are afraid of
losing something, like fear of losing job. If
we give targets to our employees and they
don’t work for money then, they will work
out of fear of losing the job. They will
perform better because they know that if
they don’t perform they will lose their job.
If they lose the job they will not have
money and it will become difficult for them
to survive. So fear factor is a very
interesting thing. In most cases we ignore
it. Every person has some fear in life, and
this fear issue can do wonders, it is
phenomenal thing. In my personal
experience of dealing with people whom I
offered huge sum of money and it didn’t
work, I tried to understand what their fear
was and what was the loss they wanted to
avoid? When I identified that fear I was
able to deal with that them with no trouble
and was able to motivate them to work
and got my job done.

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