Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Optimism for Today's world

We are scripting our quality of life with the help of our own quality of thought, identifying inner greatness as being purposed by lord and the size of our dream. We are bombarded with countless number of obstacles, challenges and unexpected circumstances in the highway of life and success. Whatever be the barriers, unexpected circumstances encountered in the highway, you need to have higher degree of optimism and you need to stand like courageous fighter as you are born to be victor not the victim. Actually optimistic attitude is life prospering, dream actualizing and miracle creating fuel which maintains the momentum for the accomplishment of your huge dream with full enthusiasm and passion backed by solid confidence. Sometimes it happens in life where you get clouded and web trapped with obstacles, criticism and tides of challenges where optimistic attitude plays life shifting role. When we lack optimistic attitude in life then the web trap and clouds of failure drives us towards grave of failure without any prior notice and we are drowned in the sea of frustration, directionless zone and we are compelled to live life without any well defined purpose. If you feel optimistic in whatever you do in life despite of many unexpected circumstances and setbacks then the law of attraction applies by 100% in your life. Almost 80% people used to give up in the middle when they are encountered with countless obstacles and unexpected circumstances in the highway of life and success and around 20% people dare to fight till their fuel of optimism is favoring them and finally are crowned with victor tag. The concrete life prospering truth says everything around and within us is energy and has energy, if you hold positive life prospering optimistic attitude regarding anything you perform in life then you just form positive magnetic field around your zone which sends positive email to universe and as per the law of universe you can attract the same positive circumstances, people and positive quality life as you yourself is a living magnet. The best way to manufacture optimistic attitude and conditioned your belief system is through powerful positive self affirmations and plant the seeds of attitude of gratitude. The quality of your thought is highly influenced by your deep rooted belief system as well, it’s better to update your deep rooted belief system and just write down your dream goals in cards and use the power of imagination. The bottom line is never give any space to any obstacles, problems or dark times to trap you and drives you towards grave of failure, just water yourself with optimistic attitude which can drive you towards life with abundance

Origin of FEAR

So where does the disguising and cloaking of fear come into it?
Well, again, we will uncover this later, however, decisions performed by the conscious mind are born not from the conscious mind, but originate from deeper within.

For those who experience an adrenaline rush of excitement and desire, most likely have core fears overlaid with positive desires. In other words, it would be deemed rational and reasonable to feel a degree of fear from a roller-coaster ride, but not excessive fear or excitable desire. Both excessive fear, and excitable desire are real life indicators of core fears, with the only difference being in their outward expression.
Too much unprocessed fear bleeds through as fear, while mild unprocessed suppressed fear bleeds through as desire.
That is, when fear accumulates to a given level, (and that given level is subjective). This human dynamic like all things has a cutoff point hereby it can no longer suppress. It therefore begins to bleed through. The result is desire, followed by excessive desires, followed by crash.
The crash is natural because this is the simple human dynamic functioning normally and trying to re balance and rectify itself. Once this human dynamic is understood, the crash is so inevitable, so predictable, it can be likened to sitting on a rail track knowing the train is on its way. The fear dynamic is very basic; Processed FEAR does not bleed through and is processed on the spot. Unprocessed FEAR bleeds through as DESIRE. Suppressed unprocessed FEAR bleeds through as FEAR.
Through our own studies, the understanding is such that the dynamic of fear operates
with such simplicity; more often than not it is grossly overlooked. The outcome being
that, unnoticed and unprocessed fear really does go onto manufacture more fear. In turn
this creates a reality of insecurity, low self-esteem, stress, frustration, depression, anxiety
If left unattended, physical manifestations such as anxiety, panic attacks, and in extreme
cases, suicide result.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Let's firstly look at what you really want your life to be like. How do
you achieve a secure mind base from which to successfully function
within this life? Yes, there are certain things you want to achieve at
each age level and to be able to do this the inner turmoil and feelings
of inadequacy must be overcome.
Today, everybody seems to be living on nervous energy. From the
moment the alarm goes at 6.30am in the morning, stress starts to
accumulate. Your body tenses at the sound of the alarm. Straight to
the shower and into some clothes. Then food and drink is necessary to
kick- start the body, so these are hurriedly consumed. Often others
need to be helped to start their day as well.
Into some type of transport along with everyone else and the day
begins. If you allow it to, the day often gets worse from there. Tension
gradually creeps more and more into your body as the day progresses.
Coffee and a cigarette are often taken to relieve that knotted feeling
and keep up the energy levels that are needed.
A drink after work with friends sometimes helps, but then it's
back home, often to even more stressful situations. Turn the television
on to settle things back down! Put on music to calm down! You need
a nice relaxing beer or wine to accompany the meal to really feel
It's now off to bed for yet another fitful sleep, where you're going
to wake up feeling wrung out and tired tomorrow before you even
And so life continues with more of the same. Is this how you choose
your life to be or is there another choice you can make?
You've tried everything to overcome these feelings and so far
haven't been able to do so. Having money, a stable partner, children
and a fulfilling job isn't necessarily going to give you a positive and
peaceful mind. How many people, who appear to have it all, suddenly
display cracks in their armor and suddenly all the old problems again
come flooding through? Just when you thought they had been
plastered up and would be hidden for life, you suddenly realise
cement can't conceal problems forever. Seepage will always occur. So
how do you stop the flood?
Do you want to continue with this only half-functioning mind
and body? Life can continue interminably with your same mindset and
stressed body. Eventually your mind and body will suffer illness. But
you have to go on! Everyone is depending on you and there is no
other way. You have no choice but to continue.

You do have a choice! You can continue, but feeling totally
differently. The situation that was once a slog is now enjoyable. The
body that was becoming dis-eased is healthy again, and the mind is
feeling relaxed and able to cope with anything. How is this possible?
It's not just possible but it can start to happen from today onward. Is
this what you want? If so find out how to let the changes begin.
How do you increase your effectiveness as an individual, while
achieving happiness and positivity at the same time? How do you destress
your body and calm your continually racing mind? How much
more effective will you become within your whole life experience,
with a relaxed mind and body? The change will alter relationships
within your family, within the wider world and most importantly
within yourself. Begin to accept all aspects of ‘you’ first and then the
changes ‘without’ will automatically take place.
Know there are definite ways to go about this and by using and
applying these workable techniques, you will change and get along
with yourself and others much better.
If you want to become fit, you're prepared for a bit of effort and
to set aside some time during the week. As with your body, the same
applies to your mind – and then your spirit.
Set aside ten to fifteen minutes a day for the next month. Be serious
and realise nobody is so busy they don't have, or can't make, ten
minutes a day for themselves. Get up ten minutes early, or go to bed
ten minutes later, after the children are asleep.
Yes, you do need sleep and sleep is vital to your well-being, but
these techniques will only improve and enhance your sleep. More
restful sleep is needed, rather than fitful sleep which is your usual
sleep pattern.
This ten to fifteen minutes a day will change your life in that you
will begin to finally take control. This will result in more contentment
everywhere in your life – at home, at work, with friends. You will be
happier and healthier in every aspect of life. You will not just have a
more positive attitude to yourself, it will overflow into all aspects of
your life.
Are you prepared to take a chance that will repay you for the rest of
your life? Then read on and set aside ten minutes – starting today!

Take Action
To achieve the result you are looking for a few things need to be set in
place to get your body and mind underway…
1. Relax your body
2. De-stress your mind
3. Increase feelings of self confidence
4. Let go of the past and practice forgiveness
5. Take responsibility and make decisions
6. Take control
1. Relax your Body
Start with your body. Every day you spend time feeding your body,
cleaning it and exercising it. People seem to concentrate more on one
of these, but a balance needs to be achieved. The body houses the
mind and temporarily your soul, therefore just as you feed, clean and
exercise, you need to relax the body daily as well. Only from a
relaxed body can a de-stressed mind occur.
A relaxed body will help you sleep better, function better and
ultimately result in a more dynamic you. Surely such a small
investment is worth it!
Remind yourself before you start, that this body needs to keep
functioning in good condition for an average of eighty years. If you
don't want a life of continual ill health, you have to function from a
positive body and mind base. This means relaxation and rest as well as
work and play. Relax the body and restorative sleep will return.
Once a day, before retiring for the night is a good place to start. This
can be increased to morning as well as at night if you want to increase
your ability to cope with stress. Start small and big things will begin
to happen.
Alter your routine a fraction – put the children to bed a little
earlier. Turn off the television for half an hour to give you time to
clear your mind and relax before bed. Turn the unmindful chaos of the
evening into a time to give yourself more space and consequent peace.
Just a few minutes are all that is necessary.
Your body takes a battering every day in this fast-paced modern
lifestyle, but spending that few minutes during the day it can make a
huge difference. Any spare moment you can find – sitting on the train,
in bed before you fall asleep or when you wake in the morning,
watching television, take that few moments and give yourself a few
minutes break. It will reap huge rewards.
The Exercise
While sitting down, imagine that your body is entirely limp. Let it all
go. Your feet and legs are so light you could float away, drifting in
space – weightless.
1. Start with your feet. Make sure they are on the ground, with
your hands gently beside you. Take three deep breaths and breathe
out again each time slowly. Make sure you empty your lungs fully
with each breath. You can feel the lightness spreading to your
2. Then lift your left ankle and circle it, letting it fall back gently
to the floor. Do the same to your right ankle. Easy does it.
3. Now you're ready. Raise your left arm and let it fall limply on
your knee. Do the same to your right arm. They've both fallen
limply on your knees. Your body is slowly relaxing and the
tension leaving.
4. Allow your head to circle around your body to the right and
then to the left. Then let it hang gently limply down.
5. Take three deep breaths, exhaling each slowly, totally emptying
the lungs each time. Feel as though you are gradually getting rid
of the problems and frustrations of the day.
6. How is your face feeling? Is it still taut or screwed up? Gently
relax those face muscles along with your eye muscles. Let your
eyes open and shut three times. You are feeling relaxed. Every
taut muscle is slowly easing.
7. Remember who you are. You are Me in a bodily form. I am
now showing you how to relax and be at peace. Slowly repeat
those words, “Peace. Be still.” You are now feeling the healing
touch of this peace throughout your body. Every part of your
body, throughout every muscle, there is a peaceful renewal of
energy and total relaxation.
8. You are now renewed and feeling totally relaxed. Enjoy this
feeling as you know that this will increase your energy levels and
positivity. You will arise feeling rested and renewed.
9. Give yourself a few minutes holding this thought. Then arise
slowly feeling full of energy and refreshed.

This prescription can be filled night and morning. Feel the peace and
healing power of this peace throughout your whole body.
2. De-stressing your mind
After the body, the mind needs to be looked at. After all, how can
your body feel at peace when your mind is a seething turmoil of fears
and frustrations? Unresolved conflicts swim around in your brain,
along with thoughts of anger and powerlessness. Your body displays
unconscious restless movements, such as feet and hand tapping. So
how can you possibly be at peace in any way when this is constantly
Your mind carries a swollen mass of thoughts and emotions –
Learned habits, predictable outcomes, masses of swirling daydreams
and thoughts. Why is it that the outcomes of your actions end up in the
same place? It's so predictable. At the outset happiness reigns – this
time it will all work out well and there will be a happy ending. This
time. Looking back that's what you always think, and here you are
once again looking at the final results. It's unhappy and not what you
want. You can't believe this has happened again. What can you do?
Let's work on de-stressing your mind. This exercise goes with relaxing
your body. Both need to be practiced for a balanced technique which
will lead to total relaxation of body and soul.

1. You are back in the chair with your feet touching the ground
and your arms hanging limply on your knees.
2. You are breathing again in and out. Three deep breaths will as
before. Hold these breaths to a count of five, and then make sure
you totally empty your lungs when you breathe out.
3. Focus on your thoughts. They are rushing through your brain at
a million miles an hour. Consciously calm that raging sea. Feel
them subsiding until the waters are now placid and peaceful.
They've become a quiet lake, not a sea. Or mentally sit on top of a
mountain and watch them all race by below you, deliberately not
‘thinking’ about anything, just letting it all go and have no effect
on you. Just watch, and those thoughts will gradually slow and
your mind becomes empty.
4. Now think of the most beautiful places you have ever seen.
They can be next door, or half way around the world. Here the
waters are still, the trees swaying and the birds chirping. The desert
could be singing its lonely song, or the oasis radiating its calm air
of plenty and security. This is the place for you, where you can
return at any time throughout your busy day for strength and
renewal. From this scene know that you are meant to be, and can
be, a peaceful being. Keep this scene in a place in your mind to
pull out any time you need to settle, quiet you thoughts, and focus.
5. Realize who you are. You are no longer a helpless and lonely
person. You are God's body in the flesh. You can control your life
now. Let go of the drama and unhappiness. This you created as you
felt you needed excitement in your life. It's only bought you pain
and unhappiness. This angry, complex existence can be replaced
by a simple, happy life if you choose for it to be so. Choose peace
and you will have it.
6. Whenever you feel stressed throughout the day, remind yourself
of who you are, and return to that peaceful place you created. This
place will renew your energy levels and recharge your battery. By
choosing peace instead of stress, the dramatic situations will
become less and less, and you will be able to cope more and more.
The feelings of helplessness will be gradually replaced by feelings
of control. Just close your eyes for a second and remember who
you are, and where you choose to be.
7. Peace be with you.
You are now ready to move on – ready to move forward. Ready to do
what it takes to turn your life around. You want your life to become
positive so you can interact more lovingly with your family, have
more friends and get on better with people socially and at work. You
want to go from being a “bad” person (a taker) to being one of life's
“good” people (a giver). As you have chosen your life, being “good”
or “bad” is totally subjective. But being a person who always takes
what is offered and never gives anything back is the definition of
positivity and negativity. Your goal becomes what you want to be –
one of life's givers. When you can start to give back, happiness
automatically follows.
You've finally realised that you need peace in your life. Some
sort of feeling of contentment within yourself. Some way that you can
feel solid enough within yourself to springboard into life. To realise
what you actually ‘need’ is the first major step.
Even if you only have a minute sitting in a chair, you are just
consciously loosening the knots within your body, from letting your
head hang loosely for a moment, to resting your legs and arms and
heading to that peaceful place that you created, cherish, and remember
so well. Peace. Be still.
As you practice these exercises, you will gradually start to feel more
rested, not as stressed and more refreshed. With being more relaxed
you will cope easier, focus better, so at the end of the day you don't
have to take piles of ‘unfinished’ to-do lists home with you.

You have made your first important steps towards a better life for
yourself and all those around you.
3. Increasing feelings of self confidence
To become a giver means putting yourself first. This sounds like the
ultimate selfish act, but is necessary for change. If you always focus
on what others need and want, ultimately this leads to thoughts of
powerlessness and resentment.
Between you and those you love, a pattern has been established over
many years. Power has started with parents over children. Hopefully,
this power has not been wrongfully used and clung to as the child
grows towards adulthood. By this time, some sort of balance ought to
have been achieved. The child should be able to move into their adult
life unencumbered by feelings of guilt, and a new neutral, balanced
base established within the family.
Often that child grows up with feelings of deep unresolved
conflict towards that period of their lives. If these feelings are not
resolved, that person will have a distorted map of reality. This
dysfunction will lessen the person's ability to cope with reality and
stress levels.
A flexible and safe childhood leads to a greater ability to cope
with change, and adjust to the changing circumstances of life.
Resisting life's reality due to unresolved childhood problems leads to
suffering and needless grief. This resistance will eventually lead to
behavioral problems within that person. At one end of the scale these
problems appear as addiction, while at the other end they appear as
apparently milder personality problems. Both have the same root
cause. The result depends on how each individual reacts to a certain
Why does God want me to be ill?
I don't. Know this. I want you to have nothing but joy, love and peace
in your life. Exactly what you want for yourself. But do you want
this? You think you do, but you have chosen illness over health. Think
about this. How could it be so? How could you choose to die from
cancer? Dig deep into your soul for this answer.
Why does your soul need this suffering to overcome?
Know you can choose to be healed. Healing takes place every day, but
it's only when the soul chooses to live and be positive that it can take
place. The further you progress in your learning, the more you realise
that suffering in your life is not necessary. You can ask to be healed.
When you believe, and use gratitude with a true heart and positive
spirit, the healing will happen. Your whole attitude has to be positive
for this to happen.
Human beings allow illness to take place in their lifestyle
choices. City dwellers live in a lead-polluted environment. They drink
water containing poisons and eat food containing the same thing. This
is your choice and of course, you suffer for this. You smoke cigarettes
and live in high stress situations. That is why so many people are sick.
Make different choices and move on with positive thoughts
towards yourself and others. Choose healing and allow it to take place.
But I am a terrible person full of anger and hatred
Know your real nature. Why do all humans when asked what they
want reply with a car, house, partner, better job etc. This is what you
think you want, but all you really want is happiness and love. Why do
you all want the same thing worldwide? Because this is your true
nature, though you don't always remember. That's it. All these ideas
you only need to remember. They are already tucked away inside you,
ready, willing, and able to come out. With contentment and
knowledge, comes peace from within.
Remember you are a being of light and energy. You are God in the
flesh. Appreciate yourself. Remember you are unique as an individual.
Your real nature is one of inner beauty. You have forgotten to
appreciate yourself and have lost all love for yourself. Nothing
happens to you, or through you, that is not your choice. Learn to
forgive yourself for the past and choose a positive future – move
As you are pure energy, you must choose to be either high energy
or low energy. Of course you want to run on high energy which
creates positivity and contentment. If you choose to function on low
energy levels, you choose negative qualities such as anger, hatred, and
pride. If these factors are predominant in your life, grief will always
overtake you.
Only through functioning on high energy levels will happiness
and the true ability to take control of your life happen. Life is not
random as most people believe – you just allow it be so. You can
choose to run on high energy and take control. Remember you are not
alone and are Me in a bodily form, so don't limit yourself – take
What pushes your buttons?
An uneven power base has probably developed over many years – this
could be caused by someone within your family from childhood. The
unresolved problem then spills over into negative frustrations, and the
same situation develops within all your subsequent relationships.
You have learned to be a victim
Here you must realise that no matter how many times you relax each
day with the learned exercise, this situation will not change on its
own. The power base has manifested itself over such a long period
that only a selfish, conscious step on your part can change it.
It is totally selfish on your part to allow the negative ‘victim’
situation to continue. If you allow bullying, it is bad for both you and
the aggressor. That person will receive the message what they have
always done is all right. Love of yourself and others demands that you
stop them and make them realise that it is not all right. To allow them
to continually hurt others and inflict damage is not the most loving
thing to do. That abuser if allowed to continue can develop into a
ruthless and cruel character. You develop feelings of hate towards
them and they become the unbending thug. Never allow this ‘victim’
situation to continue. Highest love requires a forceful, positive
You can't change others, but you can allow them to glimpse the
true situation. When you know that you're creating your reality
continually, you will realise that you can change how you react to the
situation. It will take time for both of you, but from now on let them
know how you feel then step away from that situation.
Most people's grief and frustration stems from trying to change their
situation by changing others. You can explain to someone why they
need to change, but ultimately you cannot make them change. If they
decide to change themselves that is a different matter. A learned
situation that has come about through many years of ‘conditioning’
takes a lot of positive changes. You have to step back and monitor
your reactions. When you see the constant way you react to that
behaviour, only then can you decide to react another way.

The ringing of alarm bells should arise when you feel discomfort,
pain or suffering because of a certain situation. Then you know you
are resisting that situation for whatever reason. What can you do to
rectify the problem?
1. If you are involved with that person, allow them to know your
thoughts on the situation for their own benefit. Feelings of love
cannot be allowed to turn into frustration and hatred without a
2. You cannot change that person, so you either have to stop
resisting them and allow whatever happens, or walk away. As you
are creating your own reality constantly, you can change yourself
and your own reaction to that situation. This then allows the
situation to be alright as you have let it go. If you don’t, you are
creating constant suffering for yourself.
3. If you can't get rid of the trigger then you must change your
reaction. By lowering your stress levels through relaxation of your
mind and body you will be better able to cope with the situation,
and maybe come up with a solution.
4. By constantly reminding yourself of who you are, you will
know that you choose your past and who you spend your life with.

Nothing is random. You are Me in a bodily form and you are in the
life that you have chosen. Accept this, but realize you can always
make another choice if this one is no longer right for you.
4. Letting go of the past and practicing forgiveness
Think of your life scenario. Look into yourself and assess the
situation. What problems do you carry with you from childhood?
Think about it carefully and honestly. These unresolved childhood
situations will come back again and again to haunt you.
Look at yourself objectively now, and assess how flexible you
are. If you're fluid in your life and in most situations, you are not
carrying too much baggage with you now. But if you feel sensitive in
your reactions, and have a low tolerance level to life, it means you're
carrying unresolved problems around with you.
How do you react to small annoyances? If you're feeling you are overreacting
and flying off the handle to everything, you have a problem.
Your threshold levels to stress show how you're coping with life.
.Depending on how low your coping mechanism is will show
how little you've resolved your problems. The lowest threshold and
you will be an addict, mentally ill and deeply into self-destruct mode.
How much you're into destroying your life and the lives of those
around you will show how little you've faced your problems. You
might think you've covered up everything nicely, but they'll always
resurface, usually when you least expect it.
High stress threshold levels show you are able to resolve your
problems. You're de-stressing your mind and body and going forward
in life. Keep up the good work and continue to de-stress, and your life
can continue fluidly
You have a choice. Either step forward and try to resolve things
or spiral downwards, often taking along those who you are closest to.
Ultimately, this will often lead to suicidal thoughts and actions. Or,
change to positive behaviour and create your life how you want it to
be. Decide which way you are heading now and a course of action
before it is too late.
Forgiving others and yourself
Guilt. That's the keyword. You've learned to feel guilty about
everything. You've always been told that you are “bad” from the start.
If you've ever done something that a person with power over you at
that time didn't like, you were branded “bad and unmanageable”.
Whatever you did was always wrong from that power base
perspective. You have been taught to feel shame for being born less
than perfect.
God will punish you for being imperfect you are told. That
punishment can take the form of smacking or abuse as a child, to
mental and physical abuse as an adult. The parent and tormentor have
taken on the role of God in deciding what you are to be punished for.
But you eventually think you deserve it.

Know that you are Me in physical form. Therefore you were born
perfect and have nothing to forgive yourself for. All the rest is a
learned response to a victim situation. Why would I ever create
anything less than perfect? If you look at the tiniest snowflake or
flower, you know that everything always starts perfectly. The
snowflake and flower have short spans of existence, but even when
they wilt and melt, they are in tune with the laws of nature. Nothing
ever happens out of rhythm.
You have allowed this initial perfection to become unbalanced.
Your mind has become poisoned with negativity and guilt, and this
has translated into a diseased body.
The only way forward from here is to start to move towards that
initial balance of mind and body. This will bring positivity once more
into your life, and you can again seek happiness.
5. Taking responsibility and making decisions
I can't get over a death in my family. I could have contributed more to
their welfare when they were alive and even prevented it. I'll always
live with the guilt.
I've always lived in an abusive environment. From early childhood
onwards until now, everyone who feels they have some power over
me has used me as a punching bag. No wonder I'm an addict.
Look at these problems squarely.
1. Blame. You're blaming yourself or others for all the woes that
have occurred in your life. Wrong.
2. Know that you have chosen your life situation. You chose your
parents and family. How they affected you even as a child was
your choosing. But how can a child choose anything? You appear
as a child, but that child is an old soul. You have been here before
in many different life situations, and even though physically you
are young and vulnerable, the old soul has chosen this as a learning
situation. You might have to go through a similar situation many
times in many lives, until you finally feel as though you have learnt
what you need, and can resolve the situation.
3. You can choose to overcome this situation now. Remember
you are never alone. You are Me and I am always with you to help
you overcome anything you choose to do. You'll have to work
through this life scenario at some stage in your physical lifetimes.
If you don't do it now you'll have to face it again until you can do
4. When you realise that whatever happens in each person's
lifetime is their choice, only then can you forgive yourself. Only
then can guilt pass as you finally understand now that your loved
one choose their death – in that way and at that time. You couldn't
have changed a thing. Any guilt or blame is a wasted emotion from
your and their perspective.
5. You were born a perfect being. I never create in any other way.
You were born in the manner and place of your choosing. You can
head back to that perfection whenever you finish with the drama.
Look at yourself, you're addicted to the drama of life. The
excitement and rush of the continual ebb and flow of life, that's
what you love. Until you choose peace above pace, you'll never
move. Your life will continue in the same negative way. You have
to realise that the only way you can live in harmony with yourself
and consequently others, is with a peaceful and balanced mind and
6. I forgive you for everything as really there's nothing to forgive.
Both you and the victim decided on whatever you did. You both
needed that act from which to grow. Know that this growth is
negative, but still requires no forgiveness. You are in your chosen
place. But know you can choose another place.

7. You cannot change anyone else, only yourself. By changing
yourself, the other person hopefully by example will want to
change as well. Lead on toward the light and others will follow.
8. Don't judge another as each soul is in their chosen place at the
right time. Their time to move forward mightn't be the same as
yours. They can be encouraged, but not forced to do so. Help but
don't judge them.
9. Walk on with Me into the light.
6. How do I take control of my life?
Remember you decide what happens to yourself. You will take a long
time to realise this fact and digest the implications. Once you do, your
life will immediately change. Before your life usually evolved
randomly and unconsciously on your part – “Whatever will be will
be.” You stumbled along without conscious thought, and life went on
however miserably.
Decide from today onward that this stops. Take control. Realise
fate doesn't exist and you will move forward to a much happier future.
Know you are part of Me and as such you can decide on whatever is
necessary for your soul to evolve. “You can move mountains.”
Begin with a new attitude. Stop the past dictating your future.
Know you can create your own destiny. Stop the addiction to drama
that you all crave. When you don't need the drama anymore, you can
finally plant a new seed to a happy future. This can be achieved
through practical methods whereby peace is brought back into your
life and you can realise that you are never alone.